FG, Experts to NIPR @60: Empower Other World PR Bodies in Professional Excellence

FG, Experts to NIPR @60: Empower Other World PR Bodies in Professional Excellence

The Nigerian Institute of Public Relations, NIPR, is not only a leading light in Africa, but across the world, distinguished guests and eminent speakers at a colloquium in Abuja, said.

Therefore, it is imperative for the NIPR to empower other PR associations in Africa to also attain the enviable status and global height it has reached, the speakers advised.

The colloquium themed: “Public Relations, Value Re-Orientation and Economic Transformation,” was organized to commemorate the “Diamond Anniversary” of the NIPR.

At the event, two ex-Nigerian Information Ministers, a University Vice Chancellor, and Serving Senator, among some select Nigerian and foreign eminent personalities were conferred with an Honorary Fellowship of the Institute.

The Minister of Information and National Orientation, Alh. Mohammed Idris, saluted the NIPR on clocking 60 years, with landmark achievements to showcase barely six decades after its establishment. He said that PR professionals, who are also public communicators, must strive in telling only the truth, in order to gain public trust.

“As the Minister of Information and National Orientation, who also is the spokesperson of the federal government, I have not wavered in my bid and assiduous effort to restore hope in public communication. And this is necessary, if we must gain the trust of the Nigerian populace in helping to actualize Mr. President’s Renewed Hope Agenda,” he said.

In his speech, Justin Green, President of the Global Alliance for Public Relations and Communication Management, said their global association is committed to building the PR profession in Nigeria with the support of NIPR.

“Continue blazing the trail, as the eyes of the world are on you,” said Green.

While giving his goodwill remark, Mr. Arik Karani, President, African Public Relations Association, APRA, said: “Celebrating 60 years is a significant milestone for the NIPR, which other national PR bodies see as a role model. Several PR associations are striving to emulate NIPR, as an Institute of Excellence. They wish to know how NIPR has been growing remarkably, and leading the way in PR practice on the continent,” he said.

Karani stressed the need for NIPR to empower other African PR groups, that will, in a way, enable them to become flagship professional institutions.

“Continue to be the pioneer that you are, and raising the bar of excellence in Africa and across the world,” he said.

Welcoming guests to the event, Dr. Ike Neliaku, President and Chairman of the NIPR Governing Council, noted that their Institute has designed eight core priority areas to aid in changing the country’s narrative.

“They are: Truth, Hope, Effective and Responsible Communication, Rebuilding Relationships and Respect for One Another, Citizen Re-Orientation and Engagement, Leadership Accountability, Deliberate Promotion of Made-in-Nigeria Products, and Reputation Building and Perception Management,” Neliaku said.

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